Aa! Megami-sama!: Sorezore no Tsubasa

Série (22 ép.)
From 2006-04-07
to 2006-09-15
Alternative Titles
en:Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy
ru:Моя богиня! У каждого есть крылья
cs:Ach! Má Bohyně: Každý má svá křídla
ja:ああっ女神さまっ それぞれの翼
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Episode 1 - Aa! Negai yo, Mou Ichido!
- en. Ah! I Wish...Once More!
- ja. ああっ願いよ もう一度っ
Episode 2 - Aa! Nayameru Fukushuu no Joou-sama!
- en. Ah! The Beleaguered Queen of Vengeance!
- ja. ああっ悩める復讐の女王さまっ
Episode 3 - Aa! Seiya ni Sasageru Kono Omoi!
- en. Ah! I Offer These Feelings on Christmas Eve!
- ja. ああっ聖夜に捧げるこの想いっ!
Episode 4 - Aa! Sekai wo Kou de Mitashitai!
- en. Ah! I Want To Fill The World With Happiness!
- ja. ああっ世界を幸で満たしたいっ
Episode 5 - Aa! Hikareau Koi no Hachou!
- en. Ah! Well-Matched Vibes of Love!
- ja. ああっ惹かれあう恋の波長っ
Episode 6 - Aa! Sorette Jealousy!?
- en. Ah! Is That Jealousy?!
- ja. ああっそれって嫉妬(ジェラシー)っ!?
Episode 7 - Aa! Anata no Nozomi Kanaemasu wa!
- en. Ah! I Shall Grant Your Wish!
- ja. ああっ貴方の望み叶えますわっ
Episode 8 - Aa! Anata no Yaku ni Tachitakute!
- en. Ah! I Want to Be of Use to You!
- ja. ああっあなたの役に立ちたくてっ
Episode 9 - Aa! Megami wa Date de Shoubu!
- en. Ah! The Goddesses Go Head to Head on a Date!
- ja. ああっ女神はデートで勝負っ
Episode 10 - Aa! Sono Hitokoto ga Ienakute!
- en. Ah! I Just Can't Say It!
- ja. ああっそのひとことが言えなくてっ
Episode 11 - Aa! Sono Te de Yume wo Tsukamaete!
- en. Ah! Grasp Your Dream With Your Own Hands!
- ja. ああっその手で夢をつかまえてっ
Episode 12 - Aa! Megami no Namida to Kare no Yume!
- en. Ah! A Goddess's Tears and His Dream!
- ja. ああっ女神の涙と彼の夢っ
Episode 13 - Aa! Mezamete! Sono Kimochi!
- en. Ah! Let Those Feelings Awaken!
- ja. ああっ目覚めてっ! その気持ちっ
Episode 14 - Aa! Itoshiki Watashi no Cupid!
- en. Ah! My Darling Cupid!
- ja. ああっ愛しき私のキューピットっ
Episode 15 - Aa! Megami to Akuma no Watashi!?
- en. Ah! I'm Half Goddess, Half Demon?!
- ja. ああっ女神と悪魔の私っ?
Episode 16 - Aa! Yami wo Osorezu Kagayaite!
- en. Ah! Shimmer Without Fear of the Darkness!
- ja. ああっ闇を恐れず輝いてっ
Episode 17 - Aa! Daimakaichou-sama Kourin!
- en. Ah! The Chair of Demonkind Descends!
- ja. ああっ大魔界長さまっ降臨っ
Episode 18 - Aa! Mazoku no Ishin wa Arimasuka!?
- en. Ah! Do Demons Have Any Dignity?!
- ja. ああっ魔属の威信はありますかっ?
Episode 19 - Aa! Megami no Ai wa Shinobi wo Sukuu!
- en. Ah! The Love of a Goddess Saves!
- ja. ああっ女神の愛はシノビを救うっ
Episode 20 - Aa! Donna Basho demo Futari Nara!
- en. Ah! It Doesn't Matter Where, So Long as We're Together!
- ja. ああっどんな場所でも二人ならっ
Episode 21 - Aa! Watashi ga Mazoku demo Ii Desuka!?
- en. Ah! Would It Be Okay If I Were a Demon?!
- ja. ああっ私が魔属でもいいですかっ?
Episode 22 - Aa! Megami no Kokuhaku!
- en. Ah! The Goddess's Confession!
- ja. ああっ女神の告白っ