Anime Roukyoku Kikou Shimizu no Jirochouden
Série (30 ép.)
From 2000-04-01
to 2000-11-01
Alternative Titles
ja:アニメ浪曲紀行 清水次郎長伝
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A story based on Shimizu no Jirochou, an early yakuza who specialized in gambling and maritime transport.
The anime is composed of 10 stories. Each story was told over 3 episodes. The particular tale is based on Hirosawa Torazo II's telling; Hirosawa is a roukyoku/naniwabushi.
The anime is composed of 10 stories. Each story was told over 3 episodes. The particular tale is based on Hirosawa Torazo II's telling; Hirosawa is a roukyoku/naniwabushi.